Tag Archives: cat

Quote of the Day: Roald Dahl



“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

-Roald Dahl

Quote of the Day: Jean Cocteau


“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.”

-Jean Cocteau

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day!


Quote of the Day: James Harriet

This is the newest addition to our family, Cairo! We adopted him from PetSmart a few days ago and couldn’t be happier. He’s the sweetest and most beautiful cat I’ve ever met.



“I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things, to me, are expressions of love.”

-James Harriet

Snapshots from Mildenhall 7-23-12

Only been in the UK a few days and have done a little exploring around our home base. So far so beautiful.


Finally figured out what this all meant!

10 Pound Note front and back–so colourful compared to American money! (Yes, this British computer spellchecks and forces me to add U’s to words like “colourful.”)

Hilarious sign! Wish they would’ve had this in my home town. That building to the right under the sign is where our flat is 🙂

Our flat 🙂 It’s amazing. The wooden beams supporting our ceiling  have runes carved into them and embedded nails so old Jesus would cringe.

*sigh* I took care of my roommate’s cat for quite a long time. He was an 18lb black and white noisy bastard. Now I’ve come 4,000 miles and have this face staring at me every time I walk downstairs… Guess I will be buying cat food on my next stroll…

Who says the sun never shines in England? This is the little muddy “river” downstairs.

Everyone has gorgeous roses in their postage stamp-sized yards. There is a lot more COLOUR (smh) than I anticipated.

Look at all that ivy–another common theme here.

St. Mary’s Church across the street. It looks incredible from the outside. I can’t wait to explore it! It has a really cool graveyard around back that’s so old the tombstones aren’t legible anymore. It was built in the 15th century–MEDIEVAL TIMES, PEOPLE! The age of everything here is absolutely mind-boggling. To put it in perspective, this church was built towards the end of the Black Plague… If you walk down the main street of shops, you can almost imagine the streets being cobblestone again, horses and carriages, and merchants selling their wares. The façades may have changed, but the history is still there.

Off to do some more in depth wandering 🙂